A three-minute sketch by renowned Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef has been making the rounds again after Fusion comedy resurfaced the video in an effort to combat Trump's Muslim-targeted ban.
The video, released in May, mocks the rise of Islamophobia by introducing a new technological device dubbed "Breathe Easy," which aims to measure the number of radical enzymes present in any human being's saliva.
It has garnered over half a million views since Fusion re-shared it.
It was part of his new show titled, "Democracy Handbook."
Meet "Jihad Solutions"

Everything about the promo is hilarious. From naming the technological company "Jihad Solutions" to making up an enzyme called "radical enzyme" -- the sketch perfectly combats the ridiculousness of Islamophobia.
"To be given a chance, as a Middle Eastern to satirize certain aspects of American political life is quite challenging. I am doing this in a language that is foreign to me and in a country that is not mine," Youssef said in a Facebook post .
Maybe Trump should invest in his own "Breathe Easy" device?
"Xenophobia and discrimination against others because of their skin, religion, gender, views, orientation and ethnicity is a plague that the whole world has. Satire is a great remedy for this and I hope we keep using it to bring people together," Youssef said.

The side-effects include but are not limited to:
"Headaches, tunnel vision, unexplained friend loss, supporting Trump, depression, isolation, paranoia, mild irritation of the eyes, severe irritation of your friends and neighbors, open-mouth shower crying, loss of a job, sudden urge to fly a Confederate flag on the back of your pick-up truck, diarrhea of the mouth, and anal leakage."