Arab celebrities are notorious for copying hollywood stars, especially the women. While we understand that fashion and video clips don't just belong to one person, the amount of imitation that goes around is astounding.
1. Naya\Rihanna
I honestly don't know how everyone missed this. They came out around the same time. People were too busy picking on the non existent cross symbol and completely skipped over the fact that these two are basically the same video.
2. Haifa Wehbe\Jennifer Lopez

3. Samira Said\Britney Spears

Who could forget Samira Said's futuristic video "Youm Wara Youm" where she went all leather wearing bad ass like Britney Spears?
4. Carol Samaha\ Jennifer Lopez

5. Haifa Wehbe\Beyonce

6. Maya Diab\Angelina Jolie

The identity-less queen of plagiarism ...
7. Maria\Britney Spears
A terrible imitation of "Baby One More Time"... How dare you take an iconic video and turn it to trash!
8. Elissa\Jennifer Lopez

9. Maya Diab\Jennifer Lopez

10. Elissa\Jennifer Lopez

11. Maya Diab\Beyonce

12. Elissa\Jennifer Lopez

13. Elissa\Jennifer Lopez

14. Maya Diab\Kim Kardashian

15. Maya Diab\Selena Gomez

16. Ahlam\Jennifer Lopez

This is practically the same dress except Ahlam's dress has a different color and is longer.
17. Najwa Karam\Jennifer Lopez

18. Nawal El Zoghbi\Britney Spears
19. Haifa Wehbe\Britney Spears

20. Maya Diab\Kylie Jenner

21. Carol Samaha\Kim Kardashian

22. Hiba Mounzer\Britney Spears

Anyone who remembers this one hit wonder remembers that she was a Britney Spears wannabe. Watch and compare their videos...
23. Maya Diab\Kim Kardashian

24. Maya Diab\Beyonce
Beyonce should probably sue...