Katara Cultural Village has launched a new campaign encouraging people to use their real names on social media, with a focus on Twitter. The " # غرد_معنا_باسمك " campaign, or "Tweet Your Name", aims to promote morality among social media users, in order to put an end to several problems caused by social media.
These "moral principles" were presented in order to urge residents to use their real names instead of creating fake Twitter accounts, which will hopefully lead to more respect among users of the site. According to Ammar Mohammed, the Social Media specialist at the conference held by Katara, this initiative will show that Qatar has a community full of bright and cultured minds, and that it will "foster a spirit of ethics".
The main goal of the campaign is to stop the use of Twitter for promoting hatred and attacking religions and sects, as shown through tweets posted on Katara's account :
"Katara's initiative emphasises the importance of not attacking religions and beliefs through social media"
"Stopping the attack on values and beliefs are the goals of the initiative"
Moreover, several people took to twitter to show what they thought of the campaign, tweeting their opinions. A large number appreciated the goals and message of the campaign, saying that it promoted the importance of who you are and what you're saying.
"Be responsible and be the best wherever you are"
"Using your real name will enhance your credibility to those receiving [your tweets]"
"Be confident of yourself and post what benefits the country and its citizens in a positive manner"
However, a poll was posted that said that the campaign was a beautiful initiative, but asked tweeters if they think using their real names would limit their freedom of speech for social and safety reasons, and the answer was an astounding "yes".