We all know that dating in the UAE is rather challenging. 

So, before you take the plunge and fall head over heels for someone, you need to ask these 7 essential questions:

1. What does the UAE mean to you?

If their answer is: “it feels like home,” DATE THEM! 

This is the first question you should ask a potential date, because you don’t want to fall in love with a person who may surprise you with a one way ticket to Singapore ... for him or herself only!

2. Do you have a spouse back home?

No, seriously, you have to ask this question!

We are all expats here with obscure backgrounds and God only knows what the fellow expat hides in his/her backyard ... like a spouse, two kids and a cat named Lulu!

3. What’s your idea of a fun weekend?

If the answer includes any of these words: “hangover, rock bottom, brunch, golf, Dubai Mall, Skyping the family,” then ditch them on the spot! 

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

4. How many Arabic words do you know?

It may be a weird question to ask, but it can tell you something about their personality. 

If they know more than 10 words (not including “khalas” and “inshallah”) then date them! That shows how open they are to the culture they live in. Also, that they are willing to learn and explore.

5. Can I see your Instagram feed?

Think really hard before you date them if you see more than four photos of them:

  • Hugging exotic tigers as pets 
  • Posing inside Lamborghinis with one leg casually hanging outside the car 
  • Doing chin-ups in at a crossfit class

6. Do you still live with your parents?

If they do, then you’ll date them knowing that you have to deal with curfews, Friday lunches with the family, the third degree by the mother ... and of course, no sleepovers!

7. Will they come to see you in a different emirate?

There is nothing more romantic than when your date drives all the way to your emirate from another emirate to see you and be with you. 

And, if they do that on a weekday, then hang on to them with your teeth and nails!