In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “How much for a website?” For previous posts, click here .

I was at a client’s house to talk about building a website for their gardening business.

Client: How much for a website?

Me: That depends on…

Client: (interrupting) Just answer my question!

Me: As I was saying, it depends on what you want. The design, the number of pages required, et cetera. I have a list and based on that I can make a price.

Client: Tell me how f**king much it is! I have a $150 budget.

Me: That won’t even buy you the design.

Client: Bullsh*t! Complete bullsh*t! Just answer my question!

Client’s Wife: Are you stupid? Just tell him how much!

Me: Goodbye.
