In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “A Hairy Situation.” For previous posts, click here .
After working with a client to design and develop a brand new section of their website, I deployed the code and sent them a friendly note and a URL to the new section.
Me: What do you mean I got it wrong? We went over this design very thoroughly. I walked you through all of it, and you approved it to go to production.
Client: Well it’s not my job to make sure you met all the requirements. I sent you a document that had everything I needed for this when we started.
The client sends a link to Google Drive document. She’s right; there are a bunch of requirements listed there.
Me: Well, I’m looking at the revision history here, and it shows that you updated the requirements last night. After I sent you the URL.