In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “Let it burn”. For previous posts, click here .

I was setting up a new email account for a client. We got to the point where they needed to input a password, so I passed the keyboard to the client so they could do it themselves. Instead, they handed me a piece of paper with what was actually quite a decent, complex password. I keyed it in, made sure that the account worked in their email client and handed back the piece of paper.  After I did some more work, the client asked me a question:

Client: How can I log in if I don’t have my computer?

Me: That’s no problem. You don’t have to access it from your email client. You can access the webmail from any computer.

The client asked me to show them how to do this. So, I fired up their web browser, showed them how to get to the login page and invited them to practice logging in.

Client: What’s the password?

Me: The one you gave me.

Client: I can’t remember it.

Me: Neither can I, but it’s on that piece of paper.

Client: I don’t have it anymore.

Me: You had it ten minutes ago, it must be around somewhere.

Client: I threw it on the fire.

Sure enough, there was a healthy fire burning in the hearth.
