In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “It's not that size!”. For previous posts, click here .

I worked for a small graphics shop at a large company and we got the typical request for  a 20 x 30 poster  to be printed to advertise an internal company event. I designed the poster and sent it to the customer for review before print. 

Client: I don’t understand why it’s so small. We ordered it to be a regular poster size!

Me: I’m sorry, I’m not sure what the issue is ma'am. It’s designed to the correct specifications, and I assure you when we print it will be 20x30.

Client: Well I JUST measured it and it’s not that size, not even close.

It took me a minute to process this.

Me: You measured it? How?

Client: I used a ruler to measure the screen, and it is NOT poster size.

Me: Oh.

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