Around 100 financial institutions from around the world recently realized they had lighter pockets after a cyber-gang managed to steal approximately $1 billion over the last two years, in what seems to be one of the most elaborate money-grabbing schemes in history.
The Russian-based online security firm Kaspersky Lab announced the details of the cyber heist Saturday, stating that they were working with Interpol, Europol and law enforcement from other nations to track down the cybercriminals, which have been dubbed Carbanak.
The hackers utilized a complex system that targeted bank employees through emails, tricking them into clicking on malicious software. Carbanak was then able to access administrators' computers, which operated video surveillance cameras, allowing it to find ways to transfer funds just like bank clerks.
Inflating bank accounts and then withdrawing the money from individuals' accounts was also a technique utilized by the hackers. The individuals who actually owned the accounts rarely noticed, as the money withdrawn wasn't really in their accounts in the first place. Essentially, the hackers were not stealing from individuals, but rather using individual's bank accounts to steal money from the banks themselves, in a modern Robin Hood twist.
Members of the group are reported to come from Europe, Ukraine, Russia and China and are apparently still active. In a statement, a principle researcher from Kaspersky Lab said, "These bank heists were surprising because it made no difference to the criminals what software the banks were using," adding, "It was a very slick and professional cyber-robbery.”
Although the heist has been ongoing for two years, it is believe that the funds were siphoned in increments of as much as $10 million at a time.
In regards to the Carbanak heist, a statement from Interpol said, "These attacks again underline the fact that criminals will exploit any vulnerability in any system."
Interpol might be right, but at the same time, we have to admit, we did dream about robbing a bank someday. So maybe we should say props to Carbanak for making our bank robber fantasies come true?
Sorry, we're not sorry.