The tech world buzzes with news of drones and advances in artificial intelligence on a regular basis these days. Many of the bizarre ideas that sic-fi fans only imagined a few years ago seem to actually be becoming reality. Of course, Dubai positions itself at the center of technology advancement so its announcement of an upcoming robotic police force only seems natural.

That's right, robocops will begin policing the emirate by 2017 according to Col. Khalid Nasser Alrazooqi, the head of Dubai's ‘smart’ police unit.

“We are aiming to provide these kinds of services as the population is expanding. This way we can provide better services without hiring more people,” Alrazooqi said, according to the Khaleej Times.

It seems the first phase of implementation isn't so ominous – pardon our dystopian fears. Alrazooqi explained that “The robots will interact directly with people and tourists."

"They will include an interactive screen and microphone connected to the Dubai Police call centers. People will be able to ask questions and make complaints, but they will also have fun interacting with the robots.”

However, he went on to say that within four or five years, the robots would be able to act autonomously without direct human input. Can we list our favorite robots-take-over-the-world films? (The Matrix, The Terminator, iRobot, or do we digress?)

The Dubai police force has a clear initiative to make its police force one of the most technologically advanced in the world. In November, they announced that they would be incorporating Google Glass into their daily endeavors to maintain a safe and orderly city. With their fleet of flashy sports cars to boot, it seems like the Dubai police just get all the fancy toys.

Although, with robots joining the team, the dedicated men and women that currently serve on the police force might feel the heat of competition soon. Humans vs. machines.

And so it begins. Just kidding?