Her shirt was ripped off her body, her pants pulled down as a number of teenage boys assault every inch of her body.
It happened on a public bus in Morocco and not a single person intervened to help. Instead, people were reportedly cheering the boys on.
A minute-long video of the vile incident began making the rounds online on Aug. 20 as four teenagers undress Zeinab, shove a piece of cloth in her mouth in an attempt to mute the 26-year-old as they rape her, one after the other.
The incident - which happened on Aug. 18 but circulated online two days after - took place in the city of Casablanca on the M'Dina Bus.
According to a source, who got in touch with StepFeed via email, nobody tried to interfere. The driver did not stop.
"This is unbelievable! It looks like we’re living in the jungle now, because this is not sexual harassment, this is gang rape in a public space in front of everyone!" said Fouzia Assouli, head of the Moroccan Federation of the Democratic League of Women’s Rights, according to Morocco World News.
However, M'Dina Bus released a statement in response to this claim saying "we cannot confirm that the driver failed to react," according to the BBC.
Following a massive Facebook campaign, which saw many identify the young boys, six teenage suspects were arrested on Monday.
The rapists are aged between 15 and 17.

The police statement identified the woman involved in the horrific incident, confirming that she is intellectually disabled. The statement also mentioned that neither the victim nor the driver filed a complaint following the incident.
"What happened today in that city in Morocco can never be tolerated because it is a crime against humanity and society as a whole and it is a blatant violation of all Moroccan laws, as we have come to try to rape a mentally ill girl on a public transport bus," a blogger from the city Salé said, according to Al Arabiya.
"Nobody intervened to help the woman who is now being blamed"
Women began calling for a fight "to survive"

Some were just angered at the Arab world as a whole

"All women should invest in self-defense classes"

"Respect" every inch of a woman
"What's happening to human beings?"

When will rape culture come to an end in Morocco?

In 2016, a 16-year-old Moroccan teenager committed suicide after being abducted and gang-raped by eight men.
Her family had initially filed a complaint, which led to the perpetrators' arrest.
However, soon after, the prosecutor granted the suspects a provisional release. The perpetrators began sending threats to the victim, saying they would "publish pictures of the rape which they had taken with their mobile phones unless she dropped the complaint against them."
The girl set herself on fire upon receiving the message. The prosecutor then ordered the re-arrest of six of the eight suspects, according to The Guardian.
An autopsy of the girl's body revealed that she was pregnant.
Morocco repealed its 'marry the rapist' law in 2014, but that hasn't made things better for women.
In 2014, Morocco's parliament amended Article 475 of the penal code, which previously exonerated the rapist if he/she married the victim.
"The article 475 is an embarrassment to Morocco's international image of modernity and democracy," Fouzia Assouli, President of the Democratic League for Women's Rights (LDDF,) told the BBC at the time.
Amendments to Article 475 came one year after the country's Islamist-led government proposed the changes.
In 2012, the 'marry the rapist' law in Morocco was put under international spotlight after 16-year-old Amina al-Filali committed suicide seven months after she was forced to marry the man who raped her in an attempt to save her "family's honor."
The amendment was hailed by activists in the country; however, many stressed that more needs to be done to promote gender equality, starting with child marriages.
Though child marriages have been banned in Morocco since 2004, legal loopholes have made it possible for girls under the age of 18 to get married, a common phenomenon in rural areas.