The Ramadan experience is never complete without these phrases and statements, which most of us utter throughout a long and hard day of fasting or just right after breaking our fast.
Here are the 8 most popular and commonly used of them:
1. Don’t talk to me I’m fasting
لاتحاكيني صايم
Why do some fasting people turn into maniacs just because they are fasting? And why do we have to be threatened by them? Just chill dude… fasting and being a borderline psychopath don’t go well together.
2. Don’t force me to break my fast because of you
لا تخليني أفكس صيامي عليك
Again, a threatening message that means you have made a fasting person so angry that he or she is ready to break his or her fast by swearing at you or probably even hitting you due to low levels of caffeine and nicotine.
3. God knows I’m fasting
اللهم إني صائم
A phrase used when a fasting person sees or hears something obscene or indecent that could ruin his or her fast.
4. Is it adhan time yet?
صار وقت الآذان؟
This phrase is usually accompanied by compulsively checking your watch every 2 seconds and getting annoyed because the time isn’t moving.
5. Can I still eat
لسا أقدر آكل؟
The most used four words before suhoor time ends… we can all still fit one last bite of fatayer before a new day of fasting begins.
6. Can you die from over eating?
ممكن أموت من كثرة الأكل؟
A genuine concern that engulfs some people after impressively succeeding in making a stuffed baby lamb vanish in three minutes at iftar.
7. What’s for suhoor?
شو في أكل عل سحور؟
The phrase you will most likely hear just five minutes after murdering a massive plate of mansaf at iftar.
8. Diet starts tomorrow
من بكرا عل دايت
A wishful thinking phrase said while successfully managing to shove a huge piece of kunafah down our throats!