There's a somewhat unique relationship Egyptians have with their belly. They've really taken their intimacy with kersh to a whole new level. And Twitter is here to prove that.

Here are 9 tweets about kersh that will put a smile on your face, no matter how badly your kersh doesn't want you to.

1. Because you know it'd be disrespectful not to name your kersh

2. Because it's come to a point where even your phone has become familiar with it

3. And quotes like this are all the too common

4. And some people just want others to understand the real meaning of kersh

5. There's even a membership club for all those who have invested in their mini kersh

6. And one essential way to prove you're Egyptian is by showing off your little belly

7. Because you're sexy without even working out

8. To the point where others feel left out

9. You know you wouldn't trade that thing for the world