With the number of crazy parties going down in Beirut, you can't help but understand why people are in love with the city's nightlife. At some point though, you can't help but take a step back.
Or maybe that's just me. There's something about the nightlife that can get a bit boring, causing you to just feel over the whole party scene long before it goes insane.
Here are 9 signs you're so over the nightlife in the Beirut:
1. Your friends fail to get you excited for the parties going on, no matter how hard they try
Hearing your friends plan their party schedule for the weekend is understandable, but when your friends plan to party on a Wednesday, that's when you feel like maybe you're the weird one? But really, how do these people have the energy?
2. And if they eventually convince you... you regret your decision the moment you arrive
Waiting in those long queues, especially if there's some kind of event going on, is just completely unattractive. You'd rather line up to go watch a movie, or shop... or just sit in bed.
3. Staying up past 12 is not even in your agenda
You kind of miss the days where you had the energy to pull all-nighters while out partying only to end up at Zaatar W Zeit for an early breakfast or late dinner. Although you'd still love to go to ZWZ in the middle of the night, it wouldn't be after a party. It would just be to satisfy those late-night cravings.
4. You either don't know what Decks On The Beach is or just have no interest whatsoever
Currently in its fourth season, Decks On The Beach brings a bit of a festive spark to the nightlife in Beirut at Sporting Club. You, on the other hand, are unaware of the hype or are just flat out uninterested in knowing anything about it. I mean let's face it, you're not going to step foot in there, are you?
5. You would rather drive up to the family village... than go out and party
Yes, you would prefer to drive up to the day'aa and spend it with long lost cousins than go out and party. And what gets you excited about going to the village is the fact that there will be no noise and no traffic, just enormous amounts of food. Perfect!
6. You don't understand how people have the energy to dress up to get into White
Because who feels like going through the anxiety of possibly getting rejected at the door for not looking "classy" enough? I guess some people have a lot of patience. Kudos.
7. And you'll never understand how hanging out at a former train station is fun
Although the idea is great, as is the venue, you would much rather if the place were the go-to destination when you're looking to chill, read a book and of course get a hot cup of coffee. Basically anything but partying.
8. The only thing that comes to mind when people say " MWF Nights " is university schedules
More like WTF is this party and why is it called MWF?!?
9. The Grand Factory only gets you thinking about Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
But, imagine we had a gigantic factory of chocolate instead of another party venue. Wouldn't that just be lovely?