What’s speaking a foreign language without adding your own personal touch to it? Every nation is guilty of twisting and corrupting certain foreign words to make them more familiar and easier to pronounce.

While I believe that the Egyptians and Lebanese are the pioneers in this trend (shayyar, hanneg, bonjourak and madapress) the Emiratis are catching up by Arabizing many English words, such as these 9 popular examples:

1. Drewel

Originally from the word "driver."


Example: Who’s going to be the designated drewel this Thursday?

2. Lecen

Originally from the word "license."


Example: My name is Bond... Mansour Bond... and I have a lecen to kill!

3. Tafneesh

Originally from the word "finish," it has the meaning of: termination or redundancy.


Example: Don’t cry… you’ll be OK… even Steve Jobs etfannash from his own company!

4. Barkin

Originally from the word "parking"… notice the classic Arabic way of turning the "P" into a "B."


Example: In the UAE you don’t just barkin… you valet barkin.

5. Late

Originally from the word "light."


Example: You are the late of my life… said to me NO ONE EVER!!!

6. Yirewes

Originally from the word “reverse”… used in a driving and parking context.


Example: If a man can yirewes well then he can yibarkin well… very simple logic!

7. Al coat

Originally from the word "coat"… yes Emiratis felt this word is too cute to Arabize so they just use it as it is.


Example: OMG! It is 15 degrees in Dubai! Hand me al coat immediately before I freeze to death!

8. Mawater

Originally from the word "motor" but in plural form.


Example: Rashid has 3 vintage mawater… from 2008!

9. Tewayer

Originally from the word "tire"… also in plural form


Example: Your chicken is so rubbery, Micheline made tewayer out of it!