The Arab world is a region steeped in some of the richest traditions in the world. It is, after all, the birthplace of the three Abrahamic religions, and has bred many lesser known faiths. 

With that, we have our own set of superstitions. And they extend to practically everything in our lives. From dreams to weddings to how to keep envy away...and finally, to where you itch. 

Tell an Arab where you itch, and your whole future will be put on display. 

1. An itch in your right foot? Someone is going to die

2. An itch in your left foot? You're going to travel

3. An itch in your right palm? You will meet someone special

4. An itch in your left palm? You will come into a small fortune

5. Is your right eye twitching? Something's going to make you cry soon

6. Is your left eye twitching? You're going to meet someone interesting

7. A ring in your ears? Someone is talking about you

8. An itch on your nose? Something is going to make you very sad