Growing up, there were certain words our parents prevented us from saying because, well, they were considered "naughty" for all the wrong reasons.
I gotta say a lot of these words are not really nice, but it's more of a "maintaining good manners" type situation rather than the words themselves being labeled as bad. Regardless, saying those words only gave your mom another reason to pull out her shahata.
Here are 7 words Arab kids only said if they were trying to be rebellious:
1. Sexy
I really don't know why this was considered a "bad" word... I mean it's the equivalent of kteer kteer jazeeb/jazeebi, no?
2. Kazeb
And if you dare call anyone older than you a liar... you were considered such a bad kid. Instead, you resorted to things like "am temzah" instead.
3. Ahbal
Calling a stupid person stupid was also not favorable. But, I mean aren't we taught to tell the truth from the moment we enter this world?
4. Shut up
Another word that you just couldn't tell to anyone older than you. You could always tell that person "be quiet" but never ever shut up, although they really mean the same thing.
5. Teez
Ayb...don't ever ever refer to your booty in public. Ever.
6. Hmar
This isn't the nicest thing to hear out of a kids mouth, honestly. But, I mean it's not really "naughty" more like flat out rude.
7. Kaka
You resorted to things like "Number 2"... or avoided explaining your bathroom experience altogether.