Being too comfortable with your significant other may keep you in the wrong relationship. Avoid the drama and spot the six signs that you are in the wrong relationship, before it is too late.

1. You are always concerned with how they feel about you.

Photo credit: Francesco
Source: Francesco

The first key to having a successful relationship is to have confidence, which comes from self-love and acceptance. Instead of focusing on how they think about you, focus instead on “Do I really like him?”

 2. You are collecting evidence.

If you find yourself constantly waiting for something negative to happen, just so you can walk out the door or blame them for doing you wrong, then by all means leave. Your eagerness to collect evidence of how wrong things are going is the first proof that you are in the wrong relationship.

 3. You are changing for your partner.

Change is good, but not when you’re doing it for someone else. If you’re constantly changing your looks or beliefs “for them” then you’re definitely with the wrong partner.

4. You worry whenever they go out.

Photo credit: Bhernandez
Source: Bhernandez

If you keep on thinking about what your partner is doing whenever they are hanging out with friends, then you are missing the most important part of the relationship: trust. Remember, no relationship works without genuine trust.

 5. You need more.

Although it is nice to do things together as a couple, it is good to do things independently as well. Cherish your alone time, don’t pressure your partner to spend more time with you, that will only make things ugly.

 6. Things are not getting physical.

Being physical with someone you have feelings for is an expression of the sentiment and emotions that exist between you two. Whatever the type of physicality, it is important to have it in the relationship. Even if you feel that you don't have time to be with them, make time.