Being edgy means that a person is not afraid of breaking the rules, making them instantly more attractive. It is the run-of-the-mill guys who are instantly friend-zoned. While this might not be the best in the long run, the heart wants what it wants.

Ever wonder why you keep torturing yourself by falling for the edgy ones? Here are give reasons why, so maybe you can avoid the trap next time.

Or not...

1. They appear to be passionate.

Admit it, a relationship with no action is not as interesting as drama. In an effort to feel something that is not just averag  we aim to pick people who can offer us over-the-top emotions.

2. They appear to be more open.

Knowing that they don't live by the rules, it is much easier to believe that they are open-minded and don't judge others.

3. They have sexual appeal.

Edgy people have a lot of sexual appeal as they dress and speak in a non-conventional way, attracting the eyes and ears of everyone within a 100 meters.

4. They inspire.

People's actions are contagious, and being around someone with an incredible lust for life inspires the bore in us to get out there and experience life.

5. They provoke us.

In addition to being attracted to the outrageous ideas our edgy crush has, we are often attracted to the idea of being able to tame these passionate souls - no matter how much we like that about them - making us feel that we are special and they would change for us. Le sigh.