I don't know if it's just me but when it comes to baristas, I usually find them insufferable.

The idea of a cheery, friendly barista making small talk is great, but for some reason I always end up with more of the Gunther experience in Lebanon.

I'm clearly in need of a pick me up if I'm walking into a coffee shop, not a shaming or a pick up line.

1. The obvious flirting/inappropriate staring


Am I blushing yet? Just stop!

2. The obvious rudeness


Every time you go there, he reminds you of things like your weight. You're not my mother. Eno fik teskot?

3. The one who takes forever to take your order


The opposite of the ones who say too much, he just stands there. You're surrounded by caffeine, use it to wake up and move.

4. The one who greets you with "Shaklek na'sene. B'awilik el ahwe?"


Did it ever occur to you that maybe I always look like this? Life's hard, don't remind me that it shows on my face.