Through the ages, an Arab parent's biggest fear has always been their child going into art in college. However, these days, it's not so bad, and here's why:
1. There are no jobs anyway

Why go through the trouble of studying something "serious" when you can just fool around in college and end up in the same place as someone with a real major will, at home living off your parents.
2. If you become a refugee, it doesn't affect your degree

Suppose you have to immigrate somewhere because of war raging in your country, if you're a doctor, your degree likely won't be accepted in your new country, but that's not a problem if you're an art student! Fine arts degrees are universal.
3. There are a lot of vacancies for becoming "The Voice of the Revolution"

It doesn't matter what you do, if you're a musician, filmmaker, or even a painter, you can become the voice of the revolution through your #inspirational work
4. Your parents can't force you to get married

This is especially good for male artist, because you're not exactly marriage material. Your parents wouldn't force a poor girl to marry an artist, and you get out of arranged marriages and do what you love.