Andy Warhol must have foresaw the Internet when he said: "In the future, everyone will have 15 minutes of fame." Everyone, in theory, will have a chance to make a video or snap a photo or create a meme that goes viral. The avenues to fame are practically infinite.
For some non-celebrities that tap into the medium, though, 15 minutes doesn't cut it. They've basically immortalized themselves, burnt into our memories for a long time to come, all because of a cute/silly/spontaneous moment that's been visually documented
Remember these #InstaFamous Arabs?
1. The chubby cute dancer
Hassouni, the chubby little Iraqi boy became one of the most adorable Arabs on social media when his family posted a video of him dancing to an Iraqi song on Youtube. Hassouni’s dance moves were both hilarious and on point. Other ones followed with more dancing and cute conversation. One of the videos had more than 3 million views. The adorable antics eventually got him appearances on multiple TV shows!
2. The “men are extinct lady”
Amal Hamadeh became an instant sensation on social media after she was randomly interviewed on the street by a Future TV field reporter. Hamadeh seemed happy to chance upon an outlet for her frustrations. “Where are the men? Men are extinct!”. After that, Hamadeh became a regular on Lebanese talk shows and an media personality known for outlandish opinions and sarcastic commentary on celebrities.
3. The dabkeh dancer on a treadmill
Armenian-Syrian choreographer, Harout Sulakian, posted a video of himself performing slick dabkeh moves on a treadmill and got more than 13,000 views in a day. The video became trending on social media platforms, prompting Dubai TV and Al Jadeed TV to invite Sulakian to their talk shows.
4. Hashtag Fifo
He’s probably the person who annoys you the most. Still, can't tear your eyes from the screen. Firas – AKA Fifo – is a Lebanese makeup artist based in New York for the past seven years. His claim to fame is using forgotten Arabic proverbs to critique social issues or lash out at his critics. His outlandish look, unpolished words and funny videos propelled him to social media stardom. Sadly, he's also become the target of transphobic hate speech and social media bullying.