Twitter is an open platform for everyone to use, but let's agree on how meticulously Arabs use it to project their thoughts in under 140 characters.
Here is a hilarious collection of the funniest quips from Arabs on Twitter this week.
1. On the ex who just wouldn’t leave you alone
2. Special bae needs a special K
3. Faith in humanity restored
"Starbucks employee saw me studying, so he wrote me this note."
*sniff, sniff*
4. The dictionary *needs* examples like these
"The literal meaning of ‘work hard, play hard.'"
5. Not today, sir.
"Me: Sir, when's the midterm?
Him: Par-ciel (ciel meaning sky) or Par-soleil (soleil meaning sun)
6. Can you not?
"Him: I would die for you.
First of all, die."
7. An autobiography
8. Tettas will be tettas
"Grandma just sewed my ripped jeans. Good morning."
9. There goes gravity
10. Thank you, come again.
"Thank you for bearing with us till the end."
11. How do these people even find me?
"*Painful truth follows you*
Why do I feel he's here to destroy me?"
12. Hala bel Khamis
"Her: Hala bel Khamis!
Him: What does that mean?
*she married him*"
13. Arab DNA
14. Sit down, Sweden
"In Sweden, it is inappropriate to ask someone about three things: political affiliation, religion, and salary.
Those same exact three are a must-ask for Arabs or we would die of curiosity.”
15. Why don’t you just park inside the car?
“This is the best way to park a car. Next time, I'll open the trunk for you to park inside the car.”
16. Ink pens are not for biting
“This is what happens when you keep biting your ink pens.”
17. “Works in the public sector starter pack”
18. Breaking bad
“Breaking Bad vs its Arabic version.”