Lebanon. Home to delicious food, beautiful scenery and endless adventures. 

Lebanon. Home to some of the strangest things ... things even us Lebanese can't seem to comprehend, despite the many attempts. 

These hilarious #OnlyInLebanon moments will only remind you how special our tiny country really is.

1. Who needs H&M ... when you've got H&K

2. A Facebook app taken too literally

3. You can stand under my cardboard umbrella

4. Free delivery ... or not?

5. "Macdonaldes"

6. Advertising a bit of jealousy

7. One hand on the wheel, one hand on the sofa

8. Kiwi, dates ... is there a difference?

9. License plates are so 2000 and late

10. No woman no cry, Lebanon version

11. Trash cans ... for very tall people only

12. A restaurant that takes "kol khara" literally

13. Because #AngryBirds is way too mainstream

14. Winnie the tissue

15. Seesaw parking spots

16. Tree-top walkways got nothing on us