One of the cornerstones of being Muslim is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. It's the time of the year where spiritual devotion excels due to heightened self discipline.

With Ramadan falling in the summertime, the long hours can get tiresome and exhausting. For those who fast, you know how hard it is to explain this exhaustion to someone who's never tried it.

But, luckily there are some cartoons that totally get the various phases a person goes through during the holy month.

1. Characters of Sesame Street totally get the fact that the lunar cycle determines the start of the holy month

Photo source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

2. Mufasa and Simba understand how important sunrise and sunset become during Ramadan


3. Angry birds totally comprehend the notion of HANGRY

Photo source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

4. Spongebob gets what going without water for more than ten hours feels like

5. And Patrick knows what hunger can do to a person


6. Drooling over food can't be escaped... Homer surely knows it


7. Because he's taken extreme measures to deal with hunger... haven't you?


8. Patrick definitely understands how fasting can affect your productivity levels


9. And Homer knows how badly you just want to stay in bed...

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10. Tom knows how hard staying awake (minus the caffeine) can be


11. Snoopy knows you sleep in the most awkward places... #nojudgement


12. And Winnie-the-Pooh knows that feeling post-iftar


13. When you kind of feel like you can't breathe

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14. And those after iftar jitters are completely understandable


15. But Bubbles wants you to stay strong and pull through!

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