Doha has become one of those places that everyone talks about. Before you see the city for the first time, you've probably already developed a lot of ideas about what the city is like. Through an intensive international branding effort, Qatar has promoted its capital as a luxurious and modern hotspot for the rich and upwardly mobile. At the same time, it has received a lot of bad press for human rights abuses and the treatment of foreign blue collar workers. There's definitely some contrast.
When you visit Doha for the first time, some of these things are bound to go through your mind. It's kind of a thought journey starting with eager anticipation, mellowing out in the middle and then settling to a comfortable level of interest.
1. Why is there a giant yellow bear in this airport?
But hey, this is probably the nicest airport I've ever seen …
2. Where are the Qataris?
It's not that they aren't there, but foreigners make up about 90 percent of the population.
3. Check that skyline though …
And just realize, it wasn't anything like that a generation ago …
4. Ugh … this city is so fake
But come on now, what exactly is a "real" city?
5. So, like, what can I do for fun?
Bars are located in the hotels folks! Or you can check-out the shopping malls …
6. I guess everyone doesn't drive a sports car … huh.
Try not to be too disappointed, bruh.
7. Damn. It's hot!
Unless you go in the dead of winter … when it hovers around 20 degrees for a couple months.
8. Did I already see everything in one day?
Naw man, you just have to be more creative …
9. So, let's drink?
Or you could … go to the gym?
10. But actually, it's kind of charming here …
Just open your mind!
11. Maybe I can find a job in Doha?
Think about the salary, just think about the salary.
12. Or maybe I'll just visit again someday …
Because you may actually find yourself quite fascinated with the place.