Dubai was revealed to be the top trending New Year's Eve destination that users search for on Kayak earlier this year. So, obviously you should get in on all that hype and head to the Middle East's most glamorous city to have an experience you're certain to never forget.
Not convinced by Kayak and the hype you've heard? Well, here are 12 reasons why you definitely should have already booked your ticket.
1. The fireworks, of course

Dubai features one of the most elaborate and expensive firework displays in the world rivaling London, Sydney and Paris.
2. The parties are going to be topnotch

Come prepared to dance to some of the world's top DJs. Just make sure to reserve ahead!
3. And the dining is guaranteed to be superb

Good food? Yes please!
4. Why not do New Year's on a yacht?

Don't get stuck flipping copies when you could be on a boat ...
5. Or take a helicopter ride?
6. Your Dubai skyline photos will be perfect for social media

Make sure to invest in a selfie stick before you travel.
7. And you can shop, shop, shop!

Where better to snag next year's wardrobe?
8. Because you can go to the beach

Okay so it might not be sunny and hot but while there, might as well take a dip. Just to say you went swimming on New Year.
9. And you can also go skiing (inside)

If you need a white new year, just head over to Mall of the Emirates.
10. You'll meet people from all over the world, seriously

Because everyone comes to Dubai, everyone.
11. You'll be at the center of the world (almost)
If you think about it, you'll be welcoming in the New Year somewhere around the halfway point compared to the rest of the world.
12. But most importantly, bragging rights!

Who wouldn't be jealous of your Dubai New Year's experience?