Ah the 90s, what an epoch it was. The Internet was on its way, technology in filming was developing, and fashion was either too cool or a total faux-pas. 

With our parents dressing us though, it was mostly a faux-pas of eye-irritating colors and puffy fabrics. 

Throughout our upbringing, we would cling to our TV screens, awaiting those badly directed music videos to pop up, as we barely understood what they meant.

Now that we're all grown up (let's say at least physically,) here is a list of 10 Arabic music videos from the 90s. They'll definitely take you on a trip down memory lane! 

1. Mohamedd Fouad - El hob El Haqiqi

This song must be one of the 90s best. 

2. Nawal El Zoghbi - Wala Behemni

Another gem from the 90s. Didn’t we all admire those graphics back then?

3. Amr Diab - Rag3een

All I can say is that I always dreamed of a flying red car like the one in this classic video.

4. Mustafa Amar - El Leila Dob

Mustafa Amar was never short of dance moves for his songs.

Just look at all the pretty colors! 

5. Guitara - Ya Ghali

This classic tune remains one of this band’s best to date. What happened to them?

6. Elissa - Bady Doub

Elissa’s first controversial music video is also one of her best classics. It got her the Maliket El Sharshaf title way before Maliket El Ehsas

7. Ragheb Alama - Alby Eshekha

Where do we even begin? The neon-lights underneath the bed, the mom jeans, that stache ... 

One word: visionary. 

8. Hesham Abbas and Hamid Shaeri - 3aini

Who doesn’t remember this video? It was Nicole Saba’s first appearance before joining the 4cats, and then shining on in her solo career.

9. Assala - Ya Magnoon

Assala started off the new millennium with Ya Magnoon, and a waterfall that we all wanted to splash in. 

We all have the “Yaaaaaaaaaah, ya magnoooooon” part memorized by heart.

10. Ehab Tawfiq - Sahrani

From a desert to a colorful carnival. This Ehab Tawfik classic seriously topped it off with this super fun music video.